Sunday, October 5, 2008

4 things....

Four Places I Go Over and Over:
1. The nail place.. its my one girly thing
2. gas station. with a suburban i spend too much time there
3. myspace/craigslist lol
4. the boys schools

Four People Who E-mail Me Regularly
1. Jen
2. Heather N
3. Doc sends me jokes
4. ya not comin up with anyone else

Four Places I'd Rather Be Right Now:
1. a hot tub
2. some where fun with my boys
3. the mountains (oh ya no girls at elk camp BS!!!)
4. oklahoma

Four TV Shows I Watch
1. ER
2. Greys
3. spongebob... not cuz i want to lol
4. law and order

Four Things I Have for Breakfast
1. mt dew
2. lucky charms
3. a smoke
4. toast.. yea i know i am such a healthy eater

Four Animals I Like Best
1. Dogs
2. chinchillas
3. Horses
4. Cats

Four Beaches I've Been to
1. south Beach, FL
2. Depoe Bay, OR
3. oceanside, OR
4. seaside, OR

Four People I'm Tagging to Do The Four Things Meme- you guys can just leave your responses as comments :o)
1. heather neptune
2. nea nea
3. samantha
4. hiedi

1 comment:

stargurrl13 said...

I'm just starting to catch up on my blog reading from the week away and then the big job debacle!

I've read all your blogs and instead of commenting on each one, I'll just post one here.

I hope you find a rental house soon! I don't know what WA law is like, but in Oklahoma, if a landlord sells the house you're renting, the new owner is OBLIGATED to let you finish out your lease! You should check that might relieve some of your pressure if you can stay through the end of your lease.

Thanks for doing the meme! I thought it might help you get more involved in the blogger community. It's surprisingly small once you've been here awhile.